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Na veteránských soutěžích letos z hráčů Přerova nejúspěšnější J.Plšek

15. 12. 2011

Veteránských soutěží se letos zúčastňovalo více hráčů SK Přerov – J.Plšek, O.Mergenthal, S.Maděrka, Š.Mazúch, K.Sekanina, I.Gráfová, K.Kepl.

Nejlépe skončil v ČR v kategorii 40+ Pepa Plšek na celkovém 3.místě, kdy zahrál skvěle na závěrečném turnaji Masters v Hluku, kdy s bilancí 5:2 skončil třetí a nestačil pouze na celkového vítěze Sagáčika (KST Vsetín) a druhého v pořadí Doška (Rožnov p.R.).
Mě se závěrečný turnaj nevydařil, kdy s bilancí 2:5 jsem skončil 6., a celkově klesl ze 4. na 5. místo.
Turnaje nejlepších osmi se zúčastnil ještě Karel Kepl v kategorii 50+  a celkově skončil na 6.místě. Vítězství si vybojoval R.Stuchlý z Prostějova.
Na Slovensku je zatím na třetím místě v 40+ Štefan Mazúch, toho ale čeká ještě slovenské Masters 29.12. v Čadci.
Letos se konalo v červnu ME v Liberci a tam nejvíce zazářil Karel Sekanina v kategorii 60+ , kdy se probojoval mezi posledních osm, 1 kolo od medaile! Štefan Mazúch a já jsme postoupili ze základní skupiny do velkého pavouka kde jsme vypadli v 1.kole. Karel Kepl nepostoupil ze skupiny, ale v útěše skončil na krásném 3.místě.
Irena Gráfová měla v Liberci smůlu, kdy se po zranění nestačila dostat do formy a v jednolivcích nepostoupila do VF a ve čtyřhře, kde obhajovala stříbro z Poreče. V posledním zápase si přivodila vážné zranění achilovky a letošní sezóna je pro ni a 2.ligový tým žen bohužel ztracena.


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MichaelSueri - Reclaiming Freedom: Cocaine Rehab Center Provides Support and Recovery

17. 6. 2023 9:56

Welcome to Cocaine Rehab Center, where we provide a safe and supportive setting for individuals in search of recovery from cocaine addiction. Our expertly trained and compassionate staff comprehends the struggles and difficulties of cocaine addiction and is dedicated to assisting you conquer this destructive cycle.

At Cocaine Rehab Center, we provide a holistic and customized treatment approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of addiction. Our evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing, aid you cultivate effective coping strategies, identify triggers, and modify negative behaviors. We also provide a range of holistic therapies, including mind-body practices, mindfulness exercises, and expressive arts, to promote recovery and personal growth.

Throughout your journey with us, you will be supported by a supportive community of fellow individuals in recovery. Our continuing care programs and trigger management strategies will equip you with the tools you need to maintain sobriety beyond your time at our center. If you or a loved one is battling with cocaine addiction, Cocaine Rehab Center is here to guide you towards a healthier and drug-free future.


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Anthonycoita - Enhancing the Beauty of Nature: Exploring Dual Stunning Varieties of Plant Containers

15. 6. 2023 8:22

The best haven for your cherished plants, our Planter Pot is designed to combine practicality with aesthetic appeal. Created with meticulous care, it is constructed with high-grade materials that promise resilience. This pot features a streamlined design, providing a adaptable look that can easily integrate with any inside or outside design, from traditional to contemporary. It's equipped with adequate drainage holes that avoid water logging, ensuring the healthy growth of your plants.

More than being a plant-holder, this Planter Pot is a centerpiece, a dash of green elegance that can revitalize your space in an instant. The sweeping curve and smooth texture give it a polished look, while its ample size allows for ample room for your plants to grow and flourish. Its earthen color adds a natural effect, allowing the bright hues of your plants to shine brightly. Delight in the joy of gardening in style with our Planter Pot, tailored to bring out the best in your leafy friends.

In addition, our Planter Pot is green and responsibly harvested, demonstrating our dedication to preserving the environment. It is portable yet durable, making it easy to relocate, and maintain, but hardy enough to withstand weather changes if used outdoors. The pot is perfect for a wide range of plants, including cacti, aromatic plants, flowers, and small trees. Its intelligent design fosters a stable ecosystem within the pot, allowing for great air circulation and supporting root health. Elevate your green space with our Planter Pot, the perfect accessory for the devoted plant lover who values both appearance and function in their horticultural endeavors.



Andresref - Links

14. 6. 2023 14:50

Plants serve an essential role in our ecosystem, serving as primary producers at the base of the food chain. They are incredibly diverse, spanning from tiny mosses to giant sequoias, and occur in almost every environment on Earth. Alongside their beauty, they own a diversity of crucial roles in nature, such as creating oxygen, reducing carbon dioxide, providing habitats for wildlife, and stabilizing soil to prevent erosion. Moreover, plants have a unique mode of nutrition called photosynthesis, where they employ sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a form of energy, and oxygen.


The categorization of plants is founded on their structure and method of reproduction. Broadly, they are categorized into two main groups, vascular and nonvascular. Vascular plants, like trees, flowers, and ferns, have specialized tissues for transporting water, nutrients, and photosynthetic products. Nonvascular plants, including mosses and liverworts, lack these transport systems and count on diffusion and osmosis. Among vascular plants, further divisions encompass seedless plants, gymnosperms (seed-producing plants with naked seeds), and angiosperms (flowering plants with enclosed seeds). Angiosperms, in particular, are the most diverse group, with hundreds of thousands of species known to science.

Plants have developed a variety of adaptations to thrive in various environments. For instance, desert plants, such as cacti, have evolved thick, waxy skins to reduce water loss and needle-like leaves to minimize surface area exposed to the sun. In contrast, plants in water-scarce environments often have deep root systems to reach underground water sources. Certain plants, known as carnivorous plants, have even adapted to nutrient-poor environments by forming mechanisms to trap and digest insects. Comprehending the vast diversity and adaptations of plants not only gives insights into the operations of our natural world but also provides valuable knowledge for advancements in agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.

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StevenAligo - Enhancing Nature's Palette: Discovering Two Stunning Varieties of Flower Pots

6. 6. 2023 18:02

In conclusion, pots for plants are more than just decorative containers for your plants; they are a reflection of your individual taste and an opportunity to incorporate natural beauty into your home environment. With a wide range of forms, sizes, materials, and styles available, you can easily find the ideal planter pot to suit your preferences and complement your existing decor.
Not only do planters pots enhance the aesthetics of any space, but they also provide the necessary support and environment for your plants to prosper. With features like proper drainage holes and insulation, these vessels ensure healthy growth and development for your beloved greenery. Additionally, the flexibility of pots for plants allows you to easily move your plants around, both indoors and outdoors, adjusting to varying light requirements or seasonal changes.
So, whether you have a spacious outdoor area or a cozy living space, consider incorporating pots for plants into your space. Not only will they infuse natural beauty, but they will also contribute to the health of your plants. Explore the diverse options available and select the pots for plants that speak to your individuality and taste, establishing a flourishing green oasis that brings happiness and tranquility to your everyday life.



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Donaldhox - The Splendor of American Wagyu: The Pinnacle of Beef Excellence

4. 6. 2023 19:21

American Wagyu, an pinnacle of luxury and epicurean delight, originates from a distinctive fusion of heritage, quality, and unrivaled flavor. A mark of the cross-cultural gastronomic interchange between Japan and America, American Wagyu is esteemed by meat aficionados and gourmet chefs globally for its luxuriant marbling, buttery texture, and a taste that presents an memorable flavor sonnet. This breed of cattle represents a sophisticated melding of the famed Japanese Wagyu genetics with robust American cattle breeds, culminating in an extraordinary beef variety that rises high in the global culinary panorama.

The legacy of American Wagyu beef is deeply intertwined with careful breeding techniques, strict regulations, and an unyielding commitment to excellence. This marbled gem is created out of the desire for creating the best beef in the world, with the cattle raised in a highly managed environment to ensure a consistently superior quality of meat. The confluence of the rich richness, the tantalizing tenderness, and the exceptional flavor profiles sets American Wagyu apart. Each bite is a homage to the fantastic journey of this world-class beef, from attentively tended pastures to the premier dining tables.


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ScottPak - Fast and Effortless Ways to Get Rid of Your House in Colorado

3. 6. 2023 20:35

Hey guys,

I'm trying to sell my house fast in Colorado and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on how to do it quickly and efficiently? I've already tried listing it on some popular real estate websites, but I haven't had much luck yet.

I've heard that staging my home can help it sell faster, but I'm not sure if it's worth the investment.

Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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3. 6. 2023 1:15


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